Monday, December 19, 2011

Candidates Not Selected in IBPS

Dear Friends,
About 12-14 years back, there used to be a BSRB, (Banking Services Recruitment Board)
Which used to conduct common examinations for the banks and because of dissatisfaction of the candidates, and due to other legal points, it was diluted and IBPS was given the task of framing question papers and short listing the candidates.
It was being done separately for each bank.
Since last 12 years, There has NOT been a single problem with this noble organization, NEVER.
Anyone having any kind of query or questions is requested by me (on my personal level only) that please get a reply of your RTI, which would clear the picture in a lucid manner.
Because in any case an institution which has never been in question since last 12 years must NOT  have done anything surprisingly wrong. There is no possibility of a mistake by their side.
And by the way
IBPS is covered under RTI Act 2005

Even NGOs are covered under it in case they receive any kind of support from the GoI.
IBPS is registered as a Public Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act of 1950; a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology,Government of India and a centre for providing PhD in Management affiliated to the SNDT University.
Its first chairman was Dr. Manmohan Singh (The then governor of RBI)


Sunday, December 18, 2011


The RTI Act

RTI stands for Right to Information. Right to Information is a part of fundamental rights under Article 19(1) of the Constitution. Article 19 (1) says that every citizen has freedom of speech and expression. As early as in 1976, the Supreme Court said in the case of Raj Narain vs State of UP, that people cannot speak or express themselves unless they know. Therefore, right to information is embedded in article 19. In the same case, Supreme Court further said that India is a democracy. People are the masters. Therefore, the masters have a right to know how the governments, meant to serve them, are functioning. Further, every citizen pays taxes. Even a beggar on the street pays tax (in the form of sales tax, excise duty etc) when he buys a piece of soap from the market. The citizens therefore, have a right to know how their money was being spent. These three principles were laid down by the Supreme Court while saying that RTI is a part of our fundamental rights.

Who would give you information?
The Central RTI Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
All bodies or authorities, which are constituted under the Constitution or under any law or under any Government notification or all bodies, including NGOs, which are owned, controlled or substantially financed by the Government are covered.

What about private bodies?
Like IBPS claims (according to some candidates, no blames on this institute)
that it is not aided by Govt.
Hence it is an autonomous and pvt. Body? And is NOT subject to RTI?

All private bodies, which are owned, controlled or substantially financed by the Government, are directly covered.
Others are indirectly covered.
That is, if a government department can access information from any private body under any other Act, the same can be accessed by the citizen under the RTI Act through that government department.

More about IBPS and RTI
Governing Board of IBPS consists of :
The Governing Board consists of nominees from Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Finance Government of India, National Institute of Bank Management, representatives of Public Sector Banks, Insurance sector and academics. The matters related to policy and affairs of the Institute are vested in the Governing Board.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) was set up at  the behest of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Public Sector Banks. 

The first Chairman of its Governing Board was Dr Manmohan Singh, the then Governor of RBI.

IBPS is registered as a Public Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act of 1950;
A  Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and a centre for providing PhD in Management affiliated to the SNDT University.

What  can you do If they don’t accept your application by hand?
You can send it by post.
You should also make a formal complaint to the respective Information Commission under section 18.

The Information Commissioner has the power to impose a penalty of Rs 25000 on the concerned officer who refused to accept your application.

Is there a time limit to get the information?
If you file your application with the PIO, you must receive information within 30 days.
In case you have filed your application with Assistant PIO then information has to be made available within 35 days.
In case the matter to which the information pertains affects the life and liberty of an individual, information has to be made available in 48 hours.

Do you have to give reasons why do you want a particular information?
Absolutely not! You are not required to give any reasons or additional information other than your contact details (i.e., Name, Address, and Phone No.). Sec 6(2) clearly says that no information other than contact details of the applicant shall be asked.

Can the PIO refuse to accept your RTI application?
The PIO cannot refuse to accept your application for information under any circumstances. 
Even if the information does not pertain to his/her department/jurisdiction, s/he has to accept it
If the application does not pertain to that PIO, he would have to transfer it to the right PIO within 5 days under sec 6(2).

In any case if the information isn’t received within next 30 days of filing RTI then please use this language in your appeal to be sent to the Appellate authority IBPS.
  1. I filed an application for knowing about my marks with Roll Number XYZ at the XYZ examination. Please tell me the daily progress made on my application so far. i.e. when did my application reach which officer, for how long did it stay with that officer and what did he/she do during that period?
  2. According to the rules, reply should have been sent to me in 30 days. However, it is more than XYZ days  now. Please give the names and designations of the officials who were supposed to take action on my application and who have not done so?
  3. What action would be taken against these officials for not doing their work and for causing harassment to the public? By when would that action be taken?
  4. By when would I get the demanded information now?
In normal circumstances, such an application would be thrown in a dustbin. But this law says that the Government has to reply in 30 days. If they don’t do that, their salary could be deducted. Now, it is not easy to answer these questions.
The first question is – please provide the daily progress made on my application.
There is no progress made. But the government officials cannot write in these many words that they have not acted for so many months. Else that would be admission of guilt on paper.
The next question is – please provide the names and designations of the officers who were supposed to take action on my application and who had not done so
If the government provides names and designations of the officials, their responsibility gets fixed. Any officer is most scared of fixing of responsibility against him in this manner. So, the moment one files such an application, his/her pending work is done.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

RBI takes the first step to check inflation

RBI takes the first step to check inflation

As I wrote in my post yesterday that the country is eyeing on RBI, yesterday RBI took concrete steps and interfered in the inter-bank currency market in the last trading session.

Rupee got strengthened by 64 paise and the last closing was noted around Rs. 52.70 per USD.

RBI is certainly going to interfere in this matter further as a developing economy like ours can NOT afford to have such a inflation rate. Ideal value of Rs/USD needs to be something around 42-45 INR per USD.
Anything less or more than that is not benificial as per the figures of balance of payments and trade deficits of the country.

Stay Tuned
More to come at this space

Friday, December 16, 2011

Indian Rupee approaching towards ‘historical lows’

Indian Rupee approaching towards ‘historical lows’

On the account of the withdrawal of investments due to the annual closing by the foreign institutional investors and the strengthening of USD against the Euro, the Indian National Rupee touched a historical lowest benchmark of Rs. 53.80 in the last trading session. This is the 5th consecutive downfall of the INR.

What were the reasons behind it?
USD became stronger against major international currencies.
Due to hypes that “Euro Problems” are going to rise again, the Euro touched a two months lowest circuit in the currency markets.
The member nations of Euro zones are trying to reduce their credit exposure which has resulted in a liquidity crunch.
Indian Industrial Production figures have not been satisfying.

Now what would happen? Every one is eyeing on RBI
Now the nation is looking forward towards the Reserve Bank of India. To sustain the prices of Indian Rupee, the RBI had sold USD to the tunes of 84.5 & 94.3 crores INR Sept. and Oct. 2011 respectively and didn’t purchase a single USD. 
Today on Friday the RBI is supposed to analyze the monetary policy. Till now the Reserve Bank has NOT interfered in the money markets. But has given few signals to do the same soon.

Now its a wait and watch game

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Approach to a successful Bank Interview (Part- I)

Approach to a successful Bank Interview (Part- I)

Not being successful at any stages of life certifies one and only thing. And that is –“We haven’t tried for the success whole heartdly”
So, just one more attempt is needed.

Today we shall discuss about the approach to a successful Bank Interview. I have divided this article in 2 parts. The first one which you are reading right now is going to elaborate the things to be kept in mind upto your entry inside the Interviewer’s chamber. And the rest would follow in the next article.

Take a good sleep at the night prior to the interview.  Neither go to bed too earlier nor too later than your normal scheduled time to go to bed. And yes, crosscheck all the documents you are supposed to carry  the next morning once again. Dress up something like I have described in the concerned post at this space only.

As I have often said that, please reach the interview venue a bit earlier than the scheduled time. Accommodate the time for possible traffic jams or for search of location if you are new to the city. Being on time keeps you away from any possible mental anxiety.

Have a nice breakfast so that you would be feeling comfortable and energetic. Keep a small water bottle with you. I mean, your throat must not be feeling dry prior to your entry inside the room.
Once you are sitting inside the e conference room along with other candidates, interact with a few of them only upto the point of personal introduction. Don’t discuss anything which has happened with or which might happen with any other candidate.

The coordinating officer there, would be asking you to show your certificates etc, Often people start roaming around in the entire room during this period. DO NOT DO that. The coordinating officer is competent enough to recommend a  +5 marks in advance for any extra qualifications or achievements you are having and also he can recommend a -5 for indiscipline. Don’t forget that the CCTV camera is keeping an eye on you here.

Once you get to know that you are going to be the next one to go inside the interview room. Close your eyes, try to imagine, what you would gain, if you are selected and what would you loose, if not. Take deep breaths about a few times.

Take your file (only file) with you and leave anything else in the conference room only. Give a gentle knock at the interview room’s door. It signals the interviewers that the new candidate is standing at the door. Don’t  ask for the permission to enter  after being almost half entered inside the room.

Wear a natural smile on your face. Greet the chairman along with the other panel members.  DO remember to maintain an eye contact.

And don’t forget to greet the female member of the panel separately. It is a normal etiquette to show your humbleness towards the feminine gender. Once you are asked to sit, don’t forget to thank them and then take your seat.

Be tuned friends,
Next part of this article would be at this space soon,


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why I was not selected? - What went wrong at my Banking Interview?

Why I was not selected? - What went wrong at my Banking Interview?

There are only 15 reasons for not being selected in a PSU bank interview as far as my knowledge is concerned.

So many times students have asked me this question. Well, No one can tell you the exact reason for yourself not being selected after the interview, BUT, based on the inputs I am going to provide over here, you can certainly judge yourself. Because a person can tell a lie to everyone, but not to himself.

A candidate might not be selected if:

1.       He has not adhered to the announcement of the coordinating officer, (The officer who verifies your certificates prior to the interview).

2.       He has not followed the standard dressing code.

3.       He has not been confident enough at his entry inside the interview room.

4.       He has not utilized the “first 40 seconds factor”

5.       He has more interest in telling about the influence his parent or relatives are having.

6.       He was the one and only reason because of which his last company was surviving.

7.       He has created an impression that he is dissatisfied with either his family or his college or his    present or ex-employer.

8.       He has not been able to maintain an eye contact.

9.       He has not been able to judge the “blanks”.

10.   He didn’t have the courage to say – “I don’t Know”

11.   He didn’t have the etiquettes to say – “I apologize”

12.   He has been allergic to a “smile”

13.   He has appeared for the bank examination because no one was offering him a job.

14.   He is more comfortable in getting a posting at his own hometown.

15.   He has not been aware of what is called a finishing touch of an interview.

Now, anyone who has not been successful till now can easily guess “what went wrong”

Rest in next post,


Biggest blunder candidates do at the Bank PO interview (Part – II)

Biggest blunder candidates do at the Bank PO interview (Part – II)

Being negative in their approach is the reason of not being found in the final selection list.

Being dissatisfied with your employer or with the institution in which you have studied or with the circumstances you have faced is not uncommon. But yes it is a real blunder if a candidate expresses such points and such feelings during a Banking interview.

If a candidate has no regards for the institution where he or she has spent at least 3 best years of life during graduation or having no regards for the ex-employer, he or she certainly does NOT deserve to be part of an industry which needs active public dealing.

Secondly, giving absolutely vague answers like –“I want to join the PSU banks because of the social status associated with these jobs”

“I didn’t get any job after my graduation hence I started preparing for the banking examinations”

“My employer didn’t treat me well in my past job so I quit and decided to prepare for PSU Banks”

For god sake, if possible, try to avoid such things. Do you want them to get an impression that as nobody is giving you a job, they should?
Or are you trying to tell them that you are not able to take right decisions at the right time hence you couldn’t pick up a good stream and college to study, a good employer to work for?

You are there to sell yourself,
Do it intelligently,

Rest in next post,
Stay tuned,
And yes, please provide your valuable feedback,

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Biggest Blunder - candidates do at the Bank PO interview (Part – I)

Biggest blunder candidates do at the Bank PO interview (Part – I)

Being negative in their approach is the reason of not being found in the final selection list.

Many a times a candidate is asked to tell about his or her strengths and weaknesses, and the ones who are not selected are among the persons who have either uprightly said that – “I don’t have any weakness” or the ones who have disclosed such a weakness which would be a hurdle in discharging day to day functions of the bank.

Always remember that we all are normal human beings and because nobody is perfect, its impossible that you are not having any weaknesses. Simply telling the interviewer that you are not having any negative traits in your personality gives an impression that you are not open to talk about each and every aspect of your personality.

Also, there are people who share such negative points which are almost next to impossible to be removed from the personality or which may directly or indirectly affect the job for which you are being interviewed.

One of the candidates, very well known to me has cleared about 9 PO examinations in a row but has never been able to clear the interview. Once he approached me, my first question to him was about this aspect only. And I was shocked to hear that he has been telling in interviews that  - “His biggest weakness is that he is not  comfortable in crowds, He likes to work alone”

If something else would have been his weakness then that might have been easy to remove, but not this one.

Is it not a blunder? Facing an interview for a job profile which requires you to interact with hundreds of odd faces each day, how can one be so irresponsible to say that he is not comfortable in working in a group or interacting with people?

So, be cautious, when you visit a shop to purchase something, the shopkeeper tries to show you the best items he has kept for sale. You too go to face an interview where you are selling your personality, they are having lots of choices, and do you have it in you what they are looking for?
hence analyze what the interviewer wants to hear and then react…..

Rest in next post,
Stay tuned,
And yes, please provide your valuable feedback,

How to answer - Why should we recruit you?

How to answer - Why should we recruit you?

Well this is the question which has been asked to almost each and every candidate during past one year in Bank PO or Bank clerical interviews,

Once again I would point out that the questions which are common to all of the candidates can NOT have any kind of standard answer. It is not like answering the question about the capital of India. In that case every one can say –“Delhi” as his or her answer.

Interviewer wants to make you nervous; he is searching for the “Kamzor Kadi Kaun?”
So it is better to not to be the “Kamzor Kadi”.

Here the case is totally different.
Hence I would like to provide few inputs on the basis of which, any candidate appearing for an interview can frame his or her own answers.

First of all a candidate must be assured that as he or she is among the ones shortlisted for the final round of selection process (interview), bank is really keen in recruiting them in actual. 

Secondly, you can start your answer as – "Sir the bank has a need of talented individuals who are eager to learn and who can help the business of the bank to grow………As I am among the candidates who have cleared the written examination, this proves that I have a bit of talent, and as the interview progresses, I hope I would be able to confirm you that I am eager to learn too”

It can be mentioned in the answer that – “Bank has came out with this recruitment process that itself signals that the bank is looking for the right candidates to join it, Half of my potential has been proved in written, and for the rest half, I have been given an opportunity to interact with this learned panel”

Please do point out any  relevant experience or any milestones achieved with previous employer.
Or If a candidate says that – “Sir, because I have the potential which the bank is looking for. Banking is a process of continuous public dealing and I really love to interact with different individuals each and every day”

Financial inclusion can also be included in the answer as – “Sir, I want to contribute my level best towards the nation by being among the first batch of newly recruited bankers who would be entrusted with the responsibility to be engaged in implementation of financial inclusion in our country”

After so much of hard work in preparing for and clearing the written part, of the selection process, certainly one can NOT afford to lose here at the final stage. So, be logical, Interviewer is checking your ability to react. Your ability to stand in your own favour.

If your confidence level is really good (But make sure that you don’t look over confident), you can say – The bank should recruit me because, I have the capability which I have proved in the written part and I need a chance to prove my skills.

Try to highlight your positive points, your strengths and to hide your  negative sides.

I hope this throws atleast some light on the said question.
For any queries, please feel free to write to me at any point of time,
All the Best

Importance of First 40 Seconds in an interview

The importance of first 40 seconds in a Banking Interview

Whether a candidate is appearing for the profile of that of a generalist officer or a specialist officer, or that of a clerk, first 40 seconds of the interview decides the 95% of the results.

Once again I would point out that – “There is NO second chance to make the FIRST impression”.

So, what is needed to create that “impression” in the first 40 seconds?

Enter the interview room with a natural smiling gesture, make sure that your legs are not trembling or you are not feeling thirsty. (More about successful approach to the interviews, is going to be my next article which would illustrate more about this), look as much confident as cool as you can, and in any case don’t forget that you are the guest of the bank and those sitting inside are the hosts, so they are eager to treat you with dignity and respect.

Don’t sit unless you are asked to do so. Remember to wish them all a very good morning (or whatever the time may be).Be relaxed while sitting. Sit straight. From their behavior you would yourself get an impression, who is the chairman of the interview board, look towards him with a smiling face as if you are signaling that you are now ready to face their questions.

Nothing more is needed in first 40 seconds of the interview,except, what I have mentioned over here.

Once you are sure that everything has gone right till you have taken your seat and are still confident and ready to face the questions and are ready to treat the interviewers as your friends, nothing can go wrong now onwards……

Rest in my next post

All  the best

Top 10 MISTAKES Which Candidates Do at an Interview

Which Candidates Do at an Interview



Not reaching the interview venue on time – This simply creates anxiety and nervousness and the half battle is lost even before the actual thing begins.



Not being dressed up properly (Dressing up for the interviews has been explained HERE). As I have wrote often that – “There is no second chance to make the first impression”


Comfort Level

Not being able to make yourself normal prior to entering the interview room. 48% of the candidates are feeling very thirsty or too hungry at this time so do remember to have a normal breakfast and carry a bottle of water with you. (Although you are supplied with snacks, water and lunch etc over there, but, if it is with you, you would be just ok).
You cant expect to have a marvelous interview when your throat is simply dry.
Secondly – Looking at other candidates and comparing them to you is also something to be avoided.



70% of the candidates don’t know about how to enter the interview room.
Wait for the next post in which this aspect is going to be dealt in detail


Non Utilization of first 40 Seconds of the Interview

Whether to hire or not to hire a candidate is decided normally in first 40 seconds of the interview only, rest is just a formality. Not being able to leave a mark in first 40 seconds, almost throws you out of the race.


Not being able to say – “I Don’t Know”

Its not too hard to say – “I Don’t know”
Interviewers are more experienced than you, hence be honest, instead of telling anything you are not sure of, its better to admit that you don’t know. Remember – “To enter is human and to admit is Super Human”


Trying to show knowledge by being too descriptive.

Candidates think that if they are fully aware of the topic asked in question then they must show their knowledge to the interviewers.
Or trying to show influence by answers like – “I am holding ‘this’ degree from ‘this’ college and my father is holding ‘this’ position, my uncle is ‘this’ my elder brother is ‘this’.
If they have asked about you then be specific and don’t open the Kundli of your family unless they have asked to do so.
It’s a wrong practice; no one is interested in your knowledge over there. That has already been proved at the written examination.
Be as specific as you can.


Non Aware of how to deal with ‘Blanks’

‘Blanks’ are the period of around a few seconds which may extend upto half a minute in which interviewers don’t ask you anything but they are talking to each other. Your reaction at this time is of prime importance.
Don’t start looking at the room or don’t start counting the number of lights or fans installed in the room. Be calm and cool.


Not being able to divert the interview in your strength areas.

A majority of candidates are not able divert the flow of questions towards the areas of their strength. Thus they become an easy target and get nervous. Read here about answering to questions like – “Why do you want to choose banking as a career?”
Also, If you are holding a professional degree which is not related to banking, please also read, “How to answer – a career change” here


No Finishing Touch

Exactly like the first impression, this is also too much needed. Even if you are selected, you may seldom meet the interviewers again in your life, give a finishing touch to the interview, so that after you leave, they must discuss about your personality.

Click Here to learn about the interview panel.

These are the major blunders which a majority of candidates do. Do read my post about the simple techniques which makes wonders with the personality.

Stay tuned, this is just a beginning, more to come in my next post
All the best