Biggest blunder candidates do at the Bank PO interview (Part – I)
Being negative in their approach is the reason of not being found in the final selection list.
Many a times a candidate is asked to tell about his or her strengths and weaknesses, and the ones who are not selected are among the persons who have either uprightly said that – “I don’t have any weakness” or the ones who have disclosed such a weakness which would be a hurdle in discharging day to day functions of the bank.
Always remember that we all are normal human beings and because nobody is perfect, its impossible that you are not having any weaknesses. Simply telling the interviewer that you are not having any negative traits in your personality gives an impression that you are not open to talk about each and every aspect of your personality.
Also, there are people who share such negative points which are almost next to impossible to be removed from the personality or which may directly or indirectly affect the job for which you are being interviewed.
One of the candidates, very well known to me has cleared about 9 PO examinations in a row but has never been able to clear the interview. Once he approached me, my first question to him was about this aspect only. And I was shocked to hear that he has been telling in interviews that - “His biggest weakness is that he is not comfortable in crowds, He likes to work alone”
If something else would have been his weakness then that might have been easy to remove, but not this one.
Is it not a blunder? Facing an interview for a job profile which requires you to interact with hundreds of odd faces each day, how can one be so irresponsible to say that he is not comfortable in working in a group or interacting with people?
So, be cautious, when you visit a shop to purchase something, the shopkeeper tries to show you the best items he has kept for sale. You too go to face an interview where you are selling your personality, they are having lots of choices, and do you have it in you what they are looking for?
hence analyze what the interviewer wants to hear and then react…..
Rest in next post,
Stay tuned,
And yes, please provide your valuable feedback,
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