Approach to a successful Bank Interview (Part- I)
Not being successful at any stages of life certifies one and only thing. And that is –“We haven’t tried for the success whole heartdly”
So, just one more attempt is needed.
Today we shall discuss about the approach to a successful Bank Interview. I have divided this article in 2 parts. The first one which you are reading right now is going to elaborate the things to be kept in mind upto your entry inside the Interviewer’s chamber. And the rest would follow in the next article.
Take a good sleep at the night prior to the interview. Neither go to bed too earlier nor too later than your normal scheduled time to go to bed. And yes, crosscheck all the documents you are supposed to carry the next morning once again. Dress up something like I have described in the concerned post at this space only.
As I have often said that, please reach the interview venue a bit earlier than the scheduled time. Accommodate the time for possible traffic jams or for search of location if you are new to the city. Being on time keeps you away from any possible mental anxiety.
Have a nice breakfast so that you would be feeling comfortable and energetic. Keep a small water bottle with you. I mean, your throat must not be feeling dry prior to your entry inside the room.
Once you are sitting inside the e conference room along with other candidates, interact with a few of them only upto the point of personal introduction. Don’t discuss anything which has happened with or which might happen with any other candidate.
The coordinating officer there, would be asking you to show your certificates etc, Often people start roaming around in the entire room during this period. DO NOT DO that. The coordinating officer is competent enough to recommend a +5 marks in advance for any extra qualifications or achievements you are having and also he can recommend a -5 for indiscipline. Don’t forget that the CCTV camera is keeping an eye on you here.
Once you get to know that you are going to be the next one to go inside the interview room. Close your eyes, try to imagine, what you would gain, if you are selected and what would you loose, if not. Take deep breaths about a few times.
Take your file (only file) with you and leave anything else in the conference room only. Give a gentle knock at the interview room’s door. It signals the interviewers that the new candidate is standing at the door. Don’t ask for the permission to enter after being almost half entered inside the room.
Wear a natural smile on your face. Greet the chairman along with the other panel members. DO remember to maintain an eye contact.
And don’t forget to greet the female member of the panel separately. It is a normal etiquette to show your humbleness towards the feminine gender. Once you are asked to sit, don’t forget to thank them and then take your seat.
Be tuned friends,
Next part of this article would be at this space soon,
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